Of all the countries where we have traveled we have spent the most time in France. The rich culture and the diversity of its regions pull us back time and time again.
In 2012/2013 we spent a year in France, with a 3 month stay outside of Ille-sur-Tet at the base of the eastern Pyrenees and a 10 month stay in a small village north of Nimes in south central France.
General Information
The Search for a Rental House in the South of France
Talks about the process we went through to find a suitable rental property.
Obtaining a French Long Term Visa
Recounts our application process at the French Consulat in DC.
The OFII Stamp – Completing the Long Term Visa Process
Recounts our visit to the local OFII office to complete the process. What they don’t tell you on the website.
French Bank Account – Round I
Our attempt and failure in obtaining a French checking account.
French Banking System Round II – The Get
How we finally got a checking account.
Baking American Cookies in a French Kitchen
With all the necessary adjustments for temperature, measurements and ingredients baking cookies can be a real challenge.
An American’s Visit to a Doctor in France
Antidote describing a visit to a local doctor.
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